With broadband Internet service from Paul Bunyan Net, you start with up to 50 Mb service and higher speeds of up to 150 Mb are also available!
Our knowledgeable, local data representatives are on hand to answer any questions you may have. As a customer of Paul Bunyan Net, you won’t have to depend upon a call center hundreds of miles away for assistance. Combine broadband Internet with phone and PBTV to save even more!
Broadband Service Plans | Fee |
Up to 50 Mb | $44.95/mo. |
Up to 75 Mb | $54.95/mo. |
Up to 100 Mb | $74.95/mo. |
Up to 150 Mb | $120.00/mo. |
Activation Fee (waived with a 6 month service agreement) | $85.00 |
*Service availability depends on location. Some restrictions apply. Internet speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. All Broadband and GigaZone service plans are for unmeasured access. Unlike many other providers, we do not have data caps with overage charges on high speed Internet services. At least one Paul Bunyan Communications phone line is required for broadband Internet service. (Service territory map)