District 5 Board of Director Election
As a cooperative, Paul Bunyan Communications is governed by a seven-person member-elected Board of Directors. In 2024, there is one Board of Director position up for election representing Districts 5.
Article III, Section 3 of your Cooperative’s Bylaws requires any member interested in serving as a Director to submit a completed candidate packet to the Cooperative headquarters at least 25 business days prior to the Caucus Election date. This enables the Cooperative to properly verify the eligibility of all candidates to serve as a member of the Board if elected. Members interested can find the candidate application packet and related information online at https://paulbunyan.net/cooperative/documents/
The deadline for completed Director-candidate packets to be returned to the Cooperative is Monday, February 26.
If there are less than two pre-qualified candidates seeking election to the Board of Directors from the same district (an uncontested district election), no in-person Caucus Meeting and Caucus Election for that district will be held.
If there are two or more pre-qualified candidates seeking election from the same district, the in-person Caucus Meeting will be held and all members residing within the district will be notified by mail of the date, time, and location. The purpose of the in-person Caucus is to select two pre-qualified candidates to seek election/re-election to be the district’s representative on the Paul Bunyan Communications Board of Directors. Directors serve a five-year term through 2029.
The current director for District 5 is Board President Randy Frisk and he has expressed his intent to seek re-election.
Based on the results of any contested Caucus Election, the names of two candidates are listed on the ballot to be voted on by the general membership of the Cooperative. Votes are tallied at the Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 22, 2024. The candidate with the greatest number of votes from the general membership is elected/re-elected as the Director for such district.