2017 National College Scholarship Program for Rural Youth Winner
Ashley Benes of Grand Rapids is the recipient of a $2,500 college scholarship from Paul Bunyan Communications and the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) the philanthropic arm of NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association.

2018 Youth Tour Essay Contest Winner
Will Kessler of Deer River was the winner of the cooperative’s 2018 Youth Tour Essay Contest. Will is currently a sophomore from Deer River who is home schooled and is the son of Stephanie and Leland Kessler. He will attend the 2018 Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. June 2-6, with all expenses paid by Paul Bunyan Communications.

2016 Youth Tour Winner
Sydney Preston, a Junior at Kelliher High School, was selected as the 2016 Paul Bunyan Communications Youth Tour Essay Contest winner. She will attend the 2016 Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. in June.

2017 Youth Tour Essay Contest Winner
Lucia Laituri was the winner of the cooperative’s 2017 Youth Tour Essay Contest. Lucia is a junior at Bemidji High School, is the daughter of Ron and Annie Laituri. She will attend the 2017 Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. June 3-7, with all expenses paid by Paul Bunyan Communications.